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Mean Average Precision (mAP) and Recall (mAR)


What is mAP?

Mean Average Precision (mAP) is the de facto standard accuracy metric in object detection, providing a comprehensive measure of a model's ability to correctly detect and localize objects within an image.
This description and methodology follow the approach detailed in R. Padilla et al. 1.

How to calculate mAP?

The calculation of mAP involves the Predictions generated by the object detector and the corresponding Ground-truth annotations.


Each prediction of an object detector consists of the following components:

  • Class \(\hat{c} \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq C}^+\), where \(C \in \mathbb{N}^+\) is the total number of classes;
  • Bounding Box \(\hat{\textbf{B}} \in \mathbb{R}^4\), specifying the location of the detected object;
  • Confidence Score \(\hat{s} \in [0, 1]\), indicating the model's confidence in the prediction.

Each detection can be represented as:

\[ \hat{\textbf{y}} = ( \hat{c}, \hat{\textbf{B}}, \hat{s} ) \]


Ground-truth annotations provide the reference data against which predictions are evaluated. Each ground-truth annotation consists of the following components:

  • Class \(c \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq C}^+\), the true class label of the object;
  • Bounding Box \(\textbf{B} \in \mathbb{R}^4\), the true location of the object.

Each ground-truth object can be represented as:

\[\textbf{y} = ( c, \textbf{B} ). \]

To compute mAP, the following sets are used:

  • a set of \(G\) ground-truth objects:
\[Y = \{\textbf{y}_i=(c_i, \textbf{B}_i) \}_{i=1,\ldots,G} \]
  • a set of \(D\) predictions:
\[\hat{Y} = \{\hat{\textbf{y}}_j = (\hat{c}_j, \hat{\textbf{B}}_j, \hat{s}_j) \}_{j=1,\ldots,D} \]

Precision and Recall

To compute Precision (\(\text{P}_\bar{c}\)) and Recall (\(\text{R}_\bar{c}\)) for a fixed class \(\bar{c} \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq C}^+\), let's define True Positives (\(\text{TP}_\bar{c}\)), that are predictions \(\hat{\textbf{y}} = ( \hat{c}, \hat{\textbf{B}}, \hat{s} )\) that meet the following criteria:

  • the predicted class matches the ground-truth class (\(\hat{c} = \bar{c}\));
  • the IoU between the predicted and ground-truth bounding boxes is greater than or equal to a IoU threshold \(\tau_{\text{IoU}}\) (\(\text{IoU}( \textbf{B}, \hat{\textbf{B}} ) \geq \tau_{\text{IoU}}\));
  • the confidence score \(\hat{s}\) is greater than or equal to a confidence threshold \(\tau_{s} (\hat{s} \geq \tau_{s})\).

Formally, the definition of \(\text{TP}_\bar{c}\) (depending on \(\tau_{\text{IoU}}\) and \(\tau_{s}\)):

\[\text{TP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}}) = \{ ( \hat{c}, \hat{\textbf{B}}, \hat{s} ) \in \hat{Y} \mid \exists \; ( \bar{c}, \textbf{B} ) \in Y: \hat{c} = \bar{c} \wedge \text{IoU}( \textbf{B}, \hat{\textbf{B}} ) \geq \tau_{\text{IoU}} \wedge \hat{s} \geq \tau_{s} \}. \]

Thus, we can define Precision (\(\text{P}_\bar{c}\)) as:

\[ \text{P}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}}) = \frac{\text{TP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}})}{\text{TP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}}) + \text{FP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}})} = \frac{|\text{TP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}})|}{|\hat{Y}_{\bar{c}, \tau_{s}}|}\]

where \(\hat{Y}_{\bar{c}, \tau_{s}} = \{\hat{y} = ( \hat{c}, \hat{\textbf{B}}, \hat{s} ) \in \hat{Y} \mid \hat{c} = \bar{c} \wedge \hat{s} \geq \tau_{s}\}\).

Similarly for the Recall (\(\text{R}_\bar{c}\)):

\[ \text{R}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}}) = \frac{\text{TP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}})}{\text{TP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}}) + \text{FN}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}})} = \frac{|\text{TP}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \tau_{\text{IoU}})|}{|Y_{\bar{c}}|}\]

where \(Y_{\bar{c}} = \{ y = (c, \textbf{B}) \in Y \mid c = \bar{c} \}\).

Average Precision

For a specific class \(\bar{c}\) and a fixed IoU threhsold \(\bar{\tau}_{IoU}\), the Average Precision \(\text{AP}_{\bar{c}}@[\bar{\tau}_{IoU}]\) is a metric based on the area under a \(\text{P}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}})\times \text{R}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}})\) curve:

\[\text{AP}_{\bar{c}}@[\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}] = \int_0^1 \text{P}_{\bar{c}}(\text{R}_{\bar{c}}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) d\text{R}_{\bar{c}} \]

This area is in practice replaced with a finite sum using certain recall values and different interpolation methods. One starts by ordering the \(K\) different confidence scores output by the detector, for the specific class \(\bar{c}\):

\[\{ \tau_{s_k}, k \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq K}^+ \mid \tau_{s_i} > \tau_{s_j} \; \forall i > j\}\]

Since the \(\text{R}_{\bar{c}}\) values have a one-to-one, monotonic correspondence with \(\tau_{s_k}\), which has a one-to-one, monotonic, correspondence with the index \(k\), then the Precision-Recall curve is not continuous but sampled at the discrete points \(\text{R}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s_k};\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}})\), leading to the set of pairs \((\text{P}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s_k};\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}),\text{R}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s_k};\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}))\) indexed by \(k\). Now one defines an ordered set of reference recall values \(\text{R}_r\):

\[\{ \text{R}_{r_n}, n \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq N}^+ \mid \text{R}_{r_m} < \text{R}_{r_n} \; \forall m > n \}\]

The Average Precision \(\text{AP}_{\bar{c}}\) is computed using the two ordered sets \(\{ \tau_{s_k} \}_{k \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq K}^+}\) and \(\{ \text{R}_{r_n} \}_{n \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq N}^+}\). But before computing \(\text{AP}_{\bar{c}}\), the Precision-Recall pairs have to be interpolated such that the resulting Precision-Recall curve is monotonic. The resulting interpolated curve is defined by a continuous function \(\tilde{\text{P}}_{\bar{c}}(x; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}})\), where \(x\) is a real value contained in the interval \([0, 1]\), defined as:

\[\tilde{\text{P}}_{\bar{c}}(x; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) = \max_{k \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq K}^+ \mid \text{R}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s_k}, \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) \geq x} \text{P}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s_k}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}})\]

The precision value interpolated at recall \(x\) corresponds to the maximum precision \(\text{P}_{\bar{c}}(\tau_{s_k}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}})\) whose corresponding recall value is greater than or equal to \(x\).

N-Point Interpolation

In the \(N\)-point interpolation, the set of reference recall values \(\{ \text{R}_{r_n} \}_{n \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq N}^+}\) are equally spaced in the interval \([0, 1]\) that is:

\[\text{R}_{r_n} = \frac{N - n}{N -1}, \; \; n \in \mathbb{N}^+_{\leq N}\]


\[ \text{AP}_{\bar{c}}@[\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}] = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N \tilde{\text{P}}_{\bar{c}}(\frac{N - n}{N -1}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) \]

Popular choices include \(N=101\) as in MS-COCO 2 detection competition, and \(N=11\), initially adopted by the PASCAL-VOC 3, which later transitioned to the all-point interpolation method.


Since OD-Metrics adopts the MS-COCO 2 standard, it uses the \(N\)-point interpolation.

All-Point Interpolation

In the so-called all-point interpolation, the set values \(\{ \text{R}_{r_n} \}_{n \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq N}^+}\) corresponds exactly to the set of recall values computed considering all \(K\) confidence levels \(\{ \tau_{s_k} \}_{k \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq K}^+}\):

\[ \text{AP}_{\bar{c}}@[\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}] = \sum_{k=0}^{K} (\text{R}_\bar{c}(\tau_{s_k}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) - \text{R}_\bar{c}(\tau_{s_{k+1}}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}})) \tilde{\text{P}}_{\bar{c}}(\text{R}_\bar{c}(\tau_{s_k}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}); \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) \]

with \(\tau_{s_0} = 0\), \(\text{R}_\bar{c}(\tau_{s_0}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) = 1\), \(\tau_{s_{K+1}} = 1\), \(\text{R}_\bar{c}(\tau_{s_{K+1}}; \bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}) = 0\).

Mean Average Precision

Regardless of the interpolation method, the Average Precision \(\text{AP}_{\bar{c}}@[\bar{\tau}_{IoU}]\) is obtained individually for each class \(\bar{c}\). In large datasets, it is useful to have a unique metric value that is able to represent the accuracy of the detections among all \(C\) classes. For such cases, the Mean Average Precision \(\text{mAP}@[\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}]\) is computed, which is simply:

\[\text{mAP}@[\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}] = \frac{1}{C}\sum_{c=1}^C \text{AP}_{c}@[\bar{\tau}_{\text{IoU}}] \]

In certain competitions, the final metric \(\text{mAP}@[T]\) is computed as the average over a predefined set \(T\) of IoU thresholds \(\tau_{\text{IoU}}\). For instance, in MS-COCO 2, \(T\) is defined as \(\{0.5, 0.55, \ldots, 0.95\}\) (increments of 0.05) and it is commonly denoted as \(\text{mAP}@[0.5:0.95]\).

Average Recall

Following the definition used in MS-COCO 2, given a set \(T\) of IoU thresholds \(\tau_{\text{IoU}}\) and a specific class \(\bar{c}\), the Average Recall \(\text{AR}_{\bar{c}}@[T]\) is defined as:

\[ \text{AR}_{\bar{c}}@[T] = \frac{1}{|T|} \sum_{\tau_{\text{IoU}} \in T} \max_{k \in \mathbb{N}_{\leq K}^+} \text{R}_\bar{c}(\tau_{s_k}; \tau_{\text{IoU}})\]

The Mean Average Recall \(\text{mAR}@[T]\) is then calculated as the average of \(\text{AR}_{\bar{c}}@[T]\) across all \(C\) classes:

\[ \text{mAR}@[T] = \frac{1}{C}\sum_{c=1}^C \text{AR}_{c}@[T] \]

In MS-COCO 2, \(T = \{0.5, 0.55, \ldots, 0.95\}\) and the corresponding Mean Average Recall is denoted as \(\text{mAR}@[0.5:0.95]\).


  1. Rafael Padilla, Wesley L. Passos, Thadeu L. B. Dias, Sergio L. Netto, and Eduardo A. B. da Silva. A comparative analysis of object detection metrics with a companion open-source toolkit. Electronics, 2021. URL:, doi:10.3390/electronics10030279

  2. Tsung-Yi Lin, Michael Maire, Serge Belongie, James Hays, Pietro Perona, Deva Ramanan, Piotr Dollár, and C Lawrence Zitnick. Microsoft coco: common objects in context. In Computer Vision–ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-12, 2014, Proceedings, Part V 13, 740–755. Springer, 2014. 

  3. Mark Everingham, SM Ali Eslami, Luc Van Gool, Christopher KI Williams, John Winn, and Andrew Zisserman. The pascal visual object classes challenge: a retrospective. International journal of computer vision, 111:98–136, 2015.